This is what we are fighting for – exceptional children like Super Ewan – all children are exceptional in my world..

Super Ewan has made it to the main stream TV news! Last night he was on Erin Burnett’s Out Front show on CNN. He is totally amazing.

150313202434-eb-super-ewan-comes-to-detroits-rescue-large-169Click on this link to view his appearance on CNN:

Super Ewan represents all our children. They are wonderful – unique – powerful – and full of all the good things that can turn this world around. They are not common and standard as the school reformer’s rhetoric declares to the world. We adults must protect ALL, empower them, allow them to speak out in truth, and help them make the world a better place.

We salute you Super Ewan and we support you as you help the people in Detroit. You inspire us grownups to do the right thing because … it is the right thing to do. Thank you.

Please visit Super Ewan on his FaceBook page and on his website. Also, you can help his cause from afar by supporting his Gofundme account.

An Update on our First Student Hero – Super Ewan!

“I’m making a difference by being a help to Detroit’s needy. How can you make a difference?”

That is the challenge this Michigan eight year old is declaring to the world. If he can help people, why can’t we all help people in need? If we all did what Ewan is doing, much misery would be alleviated.

Here is the wonderful video Ewan is sending to the White House. Please watch it and share it so it can inspire many to do what Ewan is doing – helping people in need.

Super Ewan made this video in consideration for the 2015 White House Student Film Festival. To find out more about this young super hero go to his website and his Facebook page. Here is the first Poetic Justice blog about Ewan.


A Wonderful Story about My New Super hero – Ewan!

” Ewan Drum, 8, of New Haven, is the founder of Super Ewan, a nonprofit to help the homeless, the (Port Huron) Times Herald ( ) reported. “We give goods and clothes to homeless people,” Ewan said. “I thought it would be helpful. People smile when they see my cape show up.” In July, Ewan told his parents when he became a teenager he wanted to dress up like a superhero and give the homeless food and clothes.

Ewan now has his own website and his own FaceBook page – Please check them out and give him some love and encouragement.