The Walking Man Anthem – listen and learn

Jesse The Walking Man Turner has an anthem for his history making walk. When he came to WCSU in June, he met song writer Barry Finch from Ridgefield CT. Barry wrote this wonderful song for Jesse and his walk. Please listen and share far and wide.
IMG_1731 copyClick here to hear the anthem!

I will be posting the words to this song soon – stay tuned.

To support Jesse’s walk, please click here.

Defending Gus Morales – Please Stand with a Great Teacher and Leader

Poetic Justice is standing strong in support of MA teacher Gus Morales who has, once again, not had his contract renewed.

I am re-blogging a message in support of Gus from Dr. Mark Naison. Please share far and wide.

Gus Morales Firing Epitomizes Everything Wrong With School Reform
by Dr. Mark Naison

You are leading a high poverty school district in Massachusetts with a majority Latino population. You have a teacher who grew up in the district. He is male, Latino, brilliant, and charismatic. He always dreamed of teaching in the community he grew up in. But he is also a veteran who is proud and outspoken. When he sees something wrong, he says so. Evern though he is a new teacher, his colleagues, who are mostly white, look to him for leadership, especially when he speaks out against excessive testing and the way tests and data walls are used to humiliate students. They elect him, as an untenured teacher, president of the local teachers unions.

So what do you do? Do you focus on what this teacher- Gus Morales- brings to his students, to the families in the district, to the entire community. Or do you decide to get rid of him to crush the opposition to the new testing policies and have a teaching staff that accepts the new “reforms” passively?

You decide to do the latter. You fire him once, and then in the face of national protest, hire him back. And then, after a year, you decide to fire him again.

This shows something we see happening all over the country. For all the comments that Arne Duncan makes about diversifying the nation’s teaching force, there is nothing more threatening to the current generation of school reformers- Duncan included- than people with real roots in the communities they teach in who can connect with the students and parents in those districts. That is why they fire people like Gus Morales and try to bring in Teach for American temps who will be in those classrooms for only a few years and then leave.

And that is why we- the people who really care about children and schools and teaching- have to fight to get Gus Morales back in the classroom.
He represents exactly what we need in our high poverty schools and indeed all our public schools- teachers for life who live in the communities they teach in and love the children they work with.

Note: The School District is Holyoke, Massachusetts.

Gus represents the Good Teacher – the teacher who will lay down his life for his students – the teacher who will devote his whole life to helping just one student. We need to do everything we can to keep him where he belongs – in the classroom.

 11006374_10206173776249583_813847477456396822_nTo see Gus Morales in action, see this video of his testimony in support of Opting Out before the Education Committee of the Philadelphia City Council on November 19, 2014.


Teachers: Who’s on your side? Where can you go for people dedicated to truth-telling for democracy?

Poetic Justice is a member of EduBloggers. Please check out their website. The bloggers represented there are defending public school students.

Reclaim Reform

There are times when a teacher needs to have the facts, simple or complex. For complex information, very often there are multiple facets that need to be examined from different points of view. Who can you turn to when faced with the overwhelming problems that surround you? Who has no personal power base or money to gain from the information? What group of people will offer you unbiased facts and their experienced perspectives for you to consider?


The EduBloggersNetwork, a group of over 200 individual bloggers with solid education backgrounds and unique perspectives from schools across the country, are respected for their varied experiences and focus. They do not march in lock-step nor are they paid by billionaires and their tax-free mega-wealthy foundations which are heavily invested (for profit) in corporate education reform.

During one of the online conversations that questioned each blogger’s reasoning for blogging in support of…

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In the Beginning …

In the beginning,
there was a good teacher.
And the good teacher taught
with passion and with eloquence.
The good teacher taught with love
and compassion.
The good teacher touched many lives
forever with light, love, and learning.

Those were
the best of times.

One day the good teacher awoke
to a siege of terror
creeping into her classroom –
the Great Teacher Displacement
had begun while she was asleep.

Her voice was dismissed.
Her power was slowly drained.
And her students stumbled more
fell more
searched more
and started losing the precious seeds
of education.

These are the worst of times.
These are the times that try men souls.
These are the events that spark –
a revelation
a renovation
a reimagination
a reformation
and most importantly ~
a revolution.

Let the revolution break forth.
