About Poetic Justice – a poetry teacher defending public school students


I am an English teacher, writer and poet, animal lover, happily married wife and grandmother, and recently, education activist.

I am updating this blog to be more about my work in education and less about my poetry. But it is very hard to remove the poet from this teacher, so please, bear with my verses and images and my playing with sounds and words.

Helping me with Poetic Justice is my wonderful graphic artist, creative producer husband. He is the final say for anything that is posted here. He is my soul and my conscience and will always get the final say.

I am also so honored to have my friend and fellow English teacher activist, Lucianna M. Sanson, joining Poetic Justice as an editor/writer/contributor and co-worker fighting and defending our public school students.

“I must write it all out, at any cost. Writing is thinking. It is more than living, for it is being conscious of living.”
~ Anne Morrow Lindburgh

5 thoughts on “About Poetic Justice – a poetry teacher defending public school students

  1. Permission? My husband is speaking at the memorial of a special needs teacher who passed away suddenly and would love to quote your “Why do I teach?” writing in your profile. He would give you credit. We are Christians as well and it fits her life well…


  2. You won the drawing for taking part in helping develop the new cover for “Running with the Enemy” by Lloyd Lofthouse.

    Here are the details of the giveaway:

    “anyone who leaves a comment and votes helping me select the best cover will be entered in a drawing for a free e-book copy of the novel (or a paperback if the winner prefers one and lives in the United States). If the winner already read it, that’s okay. I’ll send the winner of the drawing a copy of my next novel when it comes out in a few months—“The Redemption of Don Juan Casanova”. It’s with the copy editor as I’m writing this Blog post and the cover is pretty much a done deal—I hope. And if the winner doesn’t want to read these two novels because they offer the theme or genre the winner prefers to read, then I will offer an Amazon “Give as a Gift” equal to the full price of the e-book.”

    A Book Cover Must Make a Promise, and the story must Deliver it


  3. You’re welcome.

    Does that mean you want to wait for “The Redemption of Don Juan Casanova”? I’m about half way through the final revision from the copy edited version. When it came back from the copy editor, I got right to work.

    At this rate, it might be out before the end of February—not counting the unexpected.



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